This got into my head lately and honestly I think its worth asking. Here is the thingy..
I have a table , just like any other ordinary table with jquery tablesorter plugin with the filter widget. On the very right of the table columns I've put a checkbox and above that column, on the table headers on that columhn I have another checkbox which has a function linked to it, so that when it gets clicked all the checkboxes get updated with this checkbox's value . This is not very fancy or sophisticated and I have two way of accomplishing this .. either using a jquery selector or plain old javascript.
so here is what I want todo .. I want to filter elements of the table, then click the checkbox on the header , and I want to affect the row's checkboxes that were filtered with the plugin.
anyone has something to say about this? thanks .
I already have a demo set up for that here
$( function() {
// using .on() which requires jQuery 1.7+
$( 'table' ).on( 'tablesorter-initialized', function() {
// class name to add on tr when checkbox is checked
var highlightClass = 'checked',
// resort the table after the checkbox is modified?
resort = true,
// if a server side database needs to be updated, do it here
serverCallback = function( table, inputElement ) {},
$table = $( this ),
c = this.config,
wo = c && c.widgetOptions,
// include sticky header checkbox; if installed
$sticky = c && wo.$sticky || '',
doChecky = function( c, col ) {
.children( 'tbody' )
.children( 'tr:visible' )
.children( 'td:nth-child( ' + ( parseInt( col, 10 ) + 1 ) + ' )' )
.find( 'input[type=checkbox]' )
.each( function() {
this.checked = c;
$( this ).trigger( 'change' );
.children( 'tbody' )
.on( 'change', 'input[type=checkbox]', function() {
// ignore change if updating all rows
if ( $table[0].ignoreChange ) { return; }
var col, $this = $( this );
$this.closest( 'tr' ).toggleClass( highlightClass, this.checked );
$this.trigger( 'updateCell', [ $this.closest( 'td' ), resort ] );
// if your server side database needs more parameters, add them here sent to the callback
serverCallback( $table[0], this );
// uncheck header if any checkboxes are unchecked
if ( !this.checked ) {
$table.add( $sticky ).find( 'thead input[type=checkbox]' ).prop( 'checked', false );
.add( $sticky )
.find( 'thead input[type=checkbox]' )
// Click on checkbox in table header to toggle all inputs
.on( 'change', function() {
// prevent updateCell for every cell
$table[0].ignoreChange = true;
var c = this.checked,
col = $( this ).closest( 'th' ).attr( 'data-column' );
doChecky( c, col );
// update main & sticky header
$table.add( $sticky ).find( 'th[data-column=' + col + '] input[type=checkbox]' ).prop( 'checked', c );
$table.children( 'tbody' ).children( 'tr:visible' ).toggleClass( highlightClass, c );
// update all at once
$table[0].ignoreChange = false;
$table.trigger( 'update', [ resort ] );
.on( 'mouseup', function() {
return false;
theme: 'blue',
widgets: ['zebra', 'stickyHeaders','filter'],
headers: {
0: { sorter: 'checkbox' }
Just make sure to include the parser-input-select.js