I'm learning Spring MVC (and servlets in general) and following springsource's mvc-ajax example, which uses annotated controller methods. It appears that there is only one url-pattern (in web.xml) mapped to a servlet in that example:
I've deployed the app as a WAR file, and the actual, ugly URL I'm requesting is
So, it appears that 'app' in '/app/*' is a variable corresponding to 'org.springframework.samples.mvc.ajax-1.0.0-20100407.233245-1', however, it isn't universal because it isn't usable in my own app, and it contradicts my understanding that url-pattern contains the portion of the URL after the app name. So, what is 'app'? Where is it configured?
Have a look at the urlrewrite.xml file.
This is where it is defined that all incoming urls (except the ones that start with /styles/
, /scripts/
, /images/
) will be rewritten with /app/
at the beginning
So when it reaches the dispatcher servlet, the url is in the form /app/myOriginalPath