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How to use JAXB autoInheritance for generated classes from WSDL?

I'm generating java classes from soap webservices wsdl.

The requests do not share a common interface, but I'd like them to implement one, or extend a common class.

Therefore I'm trying to use the xcj-plugin. The statement


should take care of this, and let all @XmlRootElement annotated classes automatically implement the defined BaseInterface.

But the generated classes are without that. No class is implementing this interface. Why? What might be wrong with the following configuration?



  • Please add -xjc-XautoInheritance to activate the plugin.

    See the following page for CXF usage of JAXB2 Basics plugins:

                <version><!-- version --></version>

    Disclaimer: I'm the author of JAXB2 Basics plugins.