I am trying to add elements to my object literal and all I receive are undefined
outputs in the console.
Why is itemSize being printed as undefined
and why, as a consequence, are all the properties I am trying to set also undefined. I must be missing something big here.
I also don't understand the purpose of get testFunction
and how it is even accessed since it doesn't seem to be following the signature of other functions which have a colon after the function name.
I'm so confused at the moment.
var square = new GULE.Scene();
square.hey( 5 );
var GULE = GULE || {};
GULE.Scene = function ( itemSize ) {
this.itemSize = itemSize;
console.log( "Trying in constructor: " + this.itemSize );
console.log( "Passed variable: " + itemSize );
GULE.Scene.prototype = {
constructor: GULE.Scene,
stuff: 1,
get testFunction () {
console.log( "testFunction!" );
add: function () {
this.stuff += 1;
hey: function () {
console.log( this.stuff );
console.log( "Trying in function: " + this.itemSize );
Why is itemSize being printed as undefined...?
Because you're not passing anything into the Scene
constructor, so the argument is undefined
, which is what you're assigning to itemSize
what is the purpose of the
get testFunction
It creates a property called testFunction
that, when accessed, calls a function; see §11.1.5 of the spec. It's an ES5 feature. If open your web console and then do this after creating your square
var x = square.testFunction;
...you'll see "testFunction!" in the console, because you accessed the property.
The reason you see undefined
when you read testFunction
is that the function defined by the getter doesn't return anything.
Here's a clearer example:
(function() {
"use strict";
var obj = (function() {
var propValue = "Initial value";
return {
normalProp: 42,
get accessorProp() {
display("Reading accessorProp");
return propValue;
set accessorProp(value) {
display("Writing accessorProp, new value: " + value);
propValue = value;
display("normalProp is " + obj.normalProp);
display("accessorProp is " + obj.accessorProp);
obj.accessorProp = "Testing";
display("accessorProp is now " + obj.accessorProp);
function display(msg) {
var p = document.createElement("p");
p.innerHTML = String(msg);