I want to add data's from input fields to the HTML Table dynamically when clicking the Add button as shown in the sample image. How can I accomplish this? Can I do it with PHP? As I'm a beginner I can't find the exactly matched results from here, but I found a related thread, Creating a dynamic table using php based on users input data, but I think this process is done by 2 pages (1 page for inputs and another for showing that input data's in table) as per the code... Any help will appreciated.
Assuming you're using jquery (given your tag), something like the following will work:
$("button").click(function() {
var newRow = "<tr>";
$("form input").each(function() {
newRow += "<td>"+$(this).val()+"</td>";
newRow += "</tr>";
There are better ways to do this, but this is probably a very simple place to start if you're just beginning to learn. The functions you should be interested in here are: .click, .each, .val, and .append. I'd recommend you check out the jquery docs - they will give you good examples to expand your knowledge.