When I run this code in java I am getting error, I think the error occurred because of "String values". I am not sure about adding it but I got this idea from my previous question's answer which I asked in this site Query DBpedia to get abstract for different inputs
public static void DbpediaResultSparql() {
String values = "New York";
String service = "http://dbpedia.org/sparql";
String sparqlQueryString2 = "PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>"+
"PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>"+
"PREFIX dbpedia: <http://dbpedia.org/resource/>"+
"SELECT DISTINCT ?abstract"+
"{ _:b0 rdfs:label ?name ."+
"_:b0 dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract"+
"FILTER langMatches(lang(?abstract), 'en')"+
"?name { " + values +" @en }"+
"}" ;
Query query = QueryFactory.create(sparqlQueryString2);
// Executing SPARQL Query and pointing to the DBpedia SPARQL Endpoint
QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(
"http://DBpedia.org/sparql", query);
// Retrieving the SPARQL Query results
ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect();
// Iterating over the SPARQL Query results
while (results.hasNext()) {
QuerySolution soln = results.nextSolution();
// Printing DBpedia entries' abstract.
You're not going to get useful answers with code like
"_:b0 dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract"+ "FILTER langMatches(lang(?abstract), 'en')"
because it turns into
_:b0 dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstractFILTER
and you don't want variables named ?abstractWHERE
or ?abstractFILTER
This doesn't make any sense either:
String values = "New York";
"?name { " + values +" @en }"
You'd end up with
?name { New York@en }
I expect that what you wanted was
values ?name { "New York"@en }
I'd suggest you take a look into ParameterizedSparqlStrings, and be sure to put terminating newlines, or at least whitespace, in your code. If you had just printed out the query, you could drop it into sparql.org's query validator and you'd have seen the problem right away.
You can write the query like this:
select distinct ?abstract where {
values ?name { "New York"@en }
[ rdfs:label ?name ;
dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract ]
filter langMatches(lang(?abstract),'en')
If you only have the one value for the ?name
and you're not selecting that variable, you can just write it in the query:
select distinct ?abstract where {
[ rdfs:label "New York"@en ;
dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract ]
filter langMatches(lang(?abstract),'en')