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How to set path for gwt upload on ubuntu server

I'm using GWT widget to upload my files, I'd like to upload them under tomcat folder on Ubuntu server, so I need to set the param value for this piece of code in web.xml:

    <description>Location to store uploaded file</description> 

If I try to set http://ip.ip.ip.ip:8080/var/lib/tomcat7it returns UploadActionException and e.getMessage()="http://ip.ip.ip.ip:8080//var//lib//tomcat7". It seems that Eclipse try to search this path in my Window filesystem. Any ideas to resolve this? Thanks.


  • http://ip.ip.ip.ip:8080/var/lib/tomcat7 is not the same thing as /var/lib/tomcat7 on your server. To use that as the upload directory put this init-param in your upload servlet declaration in web.xml

        <description>Upload Directory</description> 

    and then in the upload servlet build a path string starting with

    String dirPath = getServletContext().getInitParameter("upload-directory"); 

    then write the FileItem to a file like this

    File file = new File( dirPath + "/" + fileItem.getName());

    All of this would require the whole directory /var/lib/tomcat7 to be writable by whatever user tomcat is running under which is a bad idea. But there you have it.