I have already the code for Adobe detection but, I need to know which version of Adobe Acrobat I have in my browser.
var p; // variable local para detectar el acrobat
var compatibleadobeacrobat=false; // variable booleana del detector acrobat
try {
p = new ActiveXObject('AcroExch.Document');
catch (e) {
// active x object could not be created
document.write('<img src="imagenes/iconos_VX_s2.png" width="26" height="20">');
document.write("<br>compatible: "+compatibleadobeacrobat);
if (p){
document.write('<img src="imagenes/iconos_VX_s1.png" width="26" height="20">');
document.write("<br>compatible: "+compatibleadobeacrobat);
How about using navigator
's property plugins
to get plugins array and after finding Adobe Reader, recieve version from it's version
I don't know how Adobe Reader add-on is called, so this code is untested but it should work.
var pl = navigator.plugins;
var where = 0;
for(var i=0;i<pl.length;i++)
var name = pl[i].name;
if(name.search('Adobe PDF Reader')!=-1)
where = i;
var ver = pl[where].version;