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How to add Prefix for the attribute while marshling

I like to add prefix for attribute while marshaling using castors.

I would like to get result as like below

<ThesaurusConcept dc:identifier="C268">
    <ScopeNote xml:lang="en">
        <LexicalValue>index heading is Atomic absorption spectroscopy</LexicalValue>

but I am getting

<ThesaurusConcept identifier="C621">
<ScopeNote lang="en">
    <LexicalValue>index heading is Atomic absorption spectroscopy</LexicalValue>


  • I got an answer for my question

    we need to add the following in mapping.xml file

    <mapping  xmlns:dc=""> 
    <bind-xml name="dc:identifier" node="attribute" ></bind-xml>

    and also we need to set namespace by using following code.

    Marshaller  casreactmp = new Marshaller(handler);
                casreactmp.setNamespaceMapping("dc", "");