I want to copy and paste from one cell to another / C1FlexGrid copy from selected red cell and paste other value here - shown image
copy from selected red cell/ Image is here
Is there any event like KeyDown
Any example code ?
The events KeyDown/KeyPress/KeyUp wont work in this case since your FlexGrid is in edit mode. When in edit mode try using KeyDownEdit/KeyPressEdit/KeyUpEdit events for the FlexGrid.
Private Sub C1FlexGrid1_KeyPressEdit(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEditEventArgs)
Handles c1FlexGrid1.KeyPressEdit
'Implement logic here
End Sub
public Form1()
this.c1FlexGrid1.KeyPressEdit += new KeyPressEditEventHandler(this.c1FlexGrid1_KeyPressEdit);
private void c1FlexGrid1_KeyPressEdit(object sender, KeyPressEditEventArgs e)
// Implement logic here
However, I would suggest you to use ValidateEdit event to implement your use case.