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In R how to divide a row when a condition is met

I have a bunch of means associated with unique values. The unique values are lines that I tested on two different substrates. in R I want to build a loop that will take the unique value and divide the means (pheno_output) of substrate A by substrate B. and spit this into a new vector.

This is what I am working on.

tmpmeans<-  rep(NA, 2);

for (i in unique(SplitnonMEANs$Line)){
  tmpmeans<- SplitnonMEANs$pheno_output[i]/SplitnonMEANs$pheno_output[i]

example data:


Line phenotype FoodSource pheno_output
1    non        A           123
2    non        A           456
1    non        B           789
2    non        B           159

Can anyone help me do this?


  • If you only have two values per group, you can use any of these

    divide <- function(x) {
        stopifnot(length(x) == 2L)
    aggregate(pheno_output ~ Line, df, divide)
    #   Line pheno_output
    # 1    1    0.1558935
    # 2    2    2.8679245
    with(df, tapply(pheno_output, Line, divide))
    #         1         2 
    # 0.1558935 2.8679245 
    sapply(split(df$pheno_output, df$Line), divide)
    #         1         2 
    # 0.1558935 2.8679245