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Maven assembly JAR in EAR

For reasons that I won't go into, I need to build the following structure:

 |-- Uber-JAR
 |-- WAR

I can build the uber JAR with the Maven Assembly plugin, but when I try to include it in the EAR (built with the Maven EAR plugin) it includes a normal JAR version, which has no sources (because I'm using the uber JAR to pull all the sources in the project together).

How can I get the uber JAR included in the EAR?


  • This is one way to fix it. If there's a better way I'd like to know it :)

    Just include:


    in the EAR plugin configuration.

    EDIT: Seems I spoke too soon. In the project's parent pom I have all the modules listed to build, with the uber JAR above the EAR module (as the last two modules).

    It won't build the whole project:

    'Artifact <ARTIFACT> (included by module) does not have an artifact with a file'

    EDIT (again):

    Final Answer

    So, finally, in the configuration for the Maven Assembly plugin, I have:


    This creates a JAR file called simply 'myjarname.jar'.

    In the Maven EAR plugin configuration, I use the following structure:


    This grabs the specific jar and puts it in the EAR. Voila!