This annoying little problem has me at my wits end. I'm building a project in vba for Excel 2010, and it involves several userforms with comboboxes populated from lists of data. For whatever reason, the backspace key has suddenly stopped functioning normally when used in these comboboxes. Have a look at this partial screenshot:
The box with the highlighting in it is a combobox populated with "Test Item No.1"
, "Test Item No.2"
, etc. So if I've got "Test Item No.5"
in there, and I want to backspace the 5 and put in a 1, I can't anymore. It just highlights. I say "anymore" because this was working fine yesterday. I've tried loading a previous version of the file, and also restarting my computer. Still not working. Help please!
This is the MatchEntry property. It isn't just highlighting the text, it is making the deletion then making an autosuggestion based on the characters that are already there.
Take the following as an example:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.ComboBox1.AddItem "AA"
Me.ComboBox1.AddItem "AB"
Me.ComboBox1.AddItem "BB"
End Sub
If you select "AB" then delete the "B" Excel will suggest "AA". As I'm assuming the reason for the MatchEntry property being set to Complete is that you don't want users creating invalid entries, I don't think there's a whole lot you can do.