I'm new to Titanium API. I want to know how to retrieve values from DB and display in UI. I created a model and inserted a row. My code is as below,
var moment = require('alloy/moment');
exports.definition = {
config : {
"columns": {
"adapter": {
"type": "sql",
"collection_name": "UserLanguage"
extendModel: function(Model) {
_.extend(Model.prototype, {
return Model;
extendCollection: function(Collection) {
_.extend(Collection.prototype, {
return Collection;
<Window id="changeLangWindow" title="Plan India">
<Picker id="langPicker">
<PickerRow title="Select a Language"/>
<PickerRow title="English"/>
<PickerRow title="French"/>
<PickerRow title="Spanish"/>
<Button class="button" onClick="saveLang">Proceed</Button>
<Label class="question">Selected Language is: -------</Label>
function saveLang() {
var UserLang = Alloy.Collections.UserLanguage;
// Create a new model for the todo collection
var task = Alloy.createModel('UserLanguage', {
id : '1',
LanguageName : 'English'
// add new model to the global collection
// save the model to persistent storage
// reload the tasks
I want to select the value of "LanguageName" from "UserLanguage" model and display in the View that is in XML file.
Any suggestions with explanation please!
// Try this code May be this is helpful for you.
if (Alloy.Collections.UserLanguage.length) {
Alloy.Collections.UserLanguage.map(function(obj) {
Ti.API.Log(" LanguageName "+ obj.get('LanguageName'));
Ti.API.Log(" LanguageName "+ obj.id);