Sometimes I need to use .off() before .on().
My Question is can I chain them both together or should they remain separate?
Can this:
$('button;).on('click, function() {
// code here.
Become this and work the same:
$('button').off('click').on('click', function() {
// code here
Will the .off() execute before the .on() in the chain.
I'm fairly new to chaining this is why I ask.
Yes, it will execute before the .on()
Basically chaining allows you to write less amount of code and, btw, it fasters it a bit, cause you don't have to find your element multiple times in the DOM tree.(Each time you call $('#yourElmId')
you basically call document.getElementById
so if you call it twice - you will perform search of it two times and for big projects it's not great at all)
More details on jquery chaining here