I have this html list code:
<div class="destination-places-grid">
Item 1
<div class="destination-places-grids">
Item 2
<div class="destination-places-grids last-d-grid">
Item 3
<div class="destination-places-grid">
Item 4
<div class="destination-places-grids">
Item 5
<div class="destination-places-grids last-d-grid">
Item 6
As you can see, every 3 items, the class of div needs to change, I want to know the more elegant way to put this to a list in JSF 2, I have tried with p:dataList and output text with the rendered property dont accept <,>," or', so by writing their html equivalents like < ,etc... makes the code a little unreadable like you can see bellow (not the actual working code, but you get the idea of the approach)
<p:dataList value="#{destinationController.destinationList}" rowIndexVar="row"
var="destination" type="ordered" >
<h:outputText value="#{((row+1) mod 3) == 0 ? <div class="destination-places-grid last-d-grid"> : <div class="destination-places-grid"#';">'}"/>
<p:dataList >
What should be the right approach here?
Hope this is what you want:
<p:dataList ............
itemStyleClass="#{((row+1) mod 3) eq 0 ? 'destination-places-grids last-d-grid', 'destination-places-grids' }" />
... content