I have implemented simpleCart in my project.
I want such a solution that, whenever I click on checkout, instead of going to paypal the simpleCart contents should be sent to a servlet where the servlet sends it as an email using javamail class in java
I googled this query but the solution I found was for PHP and I am not familiar with PHP.
Anyone knowing how to do it using java please share.
I am not familiar with Java, but you can edit the checkout method in simplecart. For example you can send a form:
checkout: {
type: "SendForm" ,
url: "http://example.com/your/custom/checkout/url" ,
method: "GET" ,
success: "success.html" ,
cancel: "cancel.html" ,
extra_data: {
customInfo1: "some custom information",
customInfo2: "12321321"
And with that you can handle the data in your custom servlet. For further Information read the simplecart docs.