in ActiveJDBC
If I have a serial primary key
in the table with column name id
Employee e = new Employee();
e.set("name", "John");
e.set("age", 43);
how is possible to retrieve it after saving the record? I want to retrieve in order to insert an address for that employee:
Address d = new Address();
d.set("employee_id", ???); // what to do here?
d.set("address", address);
well, ActiveJDBC will do this automatically. Here is the same code that will properly set the ID:
Employee e = Employee.createIt("name", "John", "age", 43);
Address d = Address.create("address", address);
That was a short way of writing it. The longer version:
Employee e = new Employee();
e.set("name", "John", "age", 43).saveIt();
Address d = new Address();
d.set("address", address);
In either case, you can get the Id from a model after you save like this:
id = e.getId()
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