I use a macro in place of new
to get some extra information in debug mode:
#if defined(_DEBUG)
#define SAGE_NEW new(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define SAGE_NEW new
I have found this quite useful in custom memory profiling and memory leak detection. I just started using shared pointers, so now I am making heap objects like:
auto myThingy = std::shared_ptr<Thingy>(SAGE_NEW Thingy(Args) );
I have just learned that std::make_shared
is preferred because it uses fewer memory allocations. Is there any way I can include my SAGE_NEW
in make_shared
? I realize it won't matter for leak detection but I would still like it for memory usage statistics. It seems like allocate_shared
somehow holds the answer but I haven't figured it out. Thanks! :)
Edit :
To those asking about new
- I overload it with a custom new
. A compiler option SAGE_MEM_INFO turns on leak detection and memory usage stats, otherwise it skips logging and goes directly to my memory pool allocation. I have new[] and delete[] variants but I'm omitting those for brevity:
void* operator new (size_t size){ ++appAllocs; return myAlloc(size); }
void* operator new (size_t size, char const *function, char const *filename, int lineNum)
... Log memory usage
void* ptr = ::operator new(size);
return ptr;
void operator delete (void* ptr)
... Log freeing of this pointer
void operator delete (void* ptr, char const *function, char const *filename, int lineNum)
... Log freeing of this pointer
void* operator new (size_t size){ return myAlloc(size); }
void* operator new (size_t size, char const *function, char const *filename, int lineNum)
void* ptr = ::operator new(size);
return ptr;
void operator delete (void* ptr) { myFree(ptr); }
void operator delete (void* ptr, char const *function, char const *filename, int lineNum) { myFree(ptr); }
Yes, you can certainly do so.
Still, you have to choose your poison:
http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/concept/Allocator shows the requirements, and a good minimal allocator declaration.
Adapted std::allocator
here for the first option:
#if defined(_DEBUG)
template <class Tp>
struct DebugLinesAllocator : std::allocator<Tp> {
const char* func, *file;
int line;
Tp* allocate(std::size_t n, const void* = 0)
{return ::operator new(n * sizeof(T), func, file, line);}
template< class U > struct rebind { typedef DebugLinesAllocator<U> other; };
DebugLinesAllocator(const char* func, const char* file, int line)
: func(func), file(file), line(line) {}
template< class U > DebugLinesAllocator( const DebugLinesAllocator<U>& other )
: func(other->func), file(other->file), line(other->line) {}
#define SAGE_MAKE_SHARED(type, ...) allocate_shared<type>(DebugLinesAllocator<type>\
{__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__}, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SAGE_MAKE_SHARED(type, ...) make_shared<type>(__VA_ARGS__)
Still, its far less useful for shared-pointers. Anyway, every little bit may help.
Use it like
auto p = SAGE_MAKE_SHARED(my_type, my_argument_1, ...);