Ok let me explain it again My problem is I want to display the image. But i want this without the opendialogfile I tried this:
pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile("C:\\Users\\Abdullah\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2013\\Projects\\Maker\\Maker\\add.png");// it works
But i dont want to do this because it will cause errors at deployment time. What i want to do is:
pictureBox1.Image= Image.FromFile("add.png");// because this picture is already in the project folder
In this case it show me error that file not found Now Hope so I explained it :)
Assuming that you are hard coding the path to your image and the image really exists in that path, then you should remember to escape the backslash when using a constant string like that one.
Try with
pictureBox1.ImageLocation = @"C:\Users\Abdullah\Documents\Visual Studio 2013
pictureBox1.ImageLocation = "C:\\Users\\Abdullah\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2013
(Warning strings splitted in two lines for readability. It should be on one single line)
See How do I write a backslash?
EDIT: Based on your comment below, then it seems that the Image folder always exists in your project (also when it will be deployed to a customer machine) then you could write something like this
pictureBox1.ImageLocation = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Images", "add.png");
string imageFile = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Images", "add.png");
pictureBox1.Image= Image.FromFile(imageFile);
But looking back to your example: Is it Images or Resources?