I have this type of code :
<button onclick="fn1();fn2();fn3()">Clic</button>
I test something in fn1 and if it is true, I don't want fn2 and fn3 to be called. I used event.stopPropagation() in fn1 (in a cross-browser manner and passing the event to the function) but the others functions are called anyway.
Can anyone help ?
try this:
function fn1() {
return false;
function fn2() {
return true;
function fn3() {
<button onclick="fn1()&&fn2()&&fn3()">Click</button>
all functions should return boolean then use logical operators && inside onclick
<button onclick="fn1()&&fn2()&&fn3()">Click</button>
as you can see if the fn1() returns false f2() and f3() are not executed.