I have a Windows Phone 8.1 Class Library that I want to later add as a reference to a Windows Phone 8.1 App project.
This ClassLibrary should be responsible for creating and managing its own database. I tried creating a new SQLiteConnection
in my ClassLibrary, but it throws the following error: A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in SQLitePCL.DLL
however, if I do the same in my MainApp everything works fine.
So, is it possible to create a SQLite database in a ClassLibrary that's responsible for creating and managing it without any support from the MainApp.
I have a project in it where the SQLite library is in a class library and then I use another class library for the communication between my app and the SQLite library
After adding this NuGet package you see that your class library has 2 new classes: SQLite.cs and SQLiteAsync.cs.
Also there is a known problem with SQLite and threading (NullReferenceException when page Loads), you can fix it by adding a lock in the method TableMapping GetMapping
in SQLite.cs:
public TableMapping GetMapping(Type type, CreateFlags createFlags = CreateFlags.None)
if (_mappings == null) {
_mappings = new Dictionary<string, TableMapping> ();
lock (_mappings)
TableMapping map;
if (!_mappings.TryGetValue(type.FullName, out map))
map = new TableMapping(type, createFlags);
_mappings[type.FullName] = map;
return map;
After the reference is set u can use the SQLite library in this class library.
In my project I tried to split my code a bit so I started with making a class named DatabaseHelper.cs:
public class DatabaseHelper
private String DB_NAME = "DATABASENAME.db";
public SQLiteAsyncConnection Conn { get; set; }
public DatabaseHelper()
Conn = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(DB_NAME);
public async void InitDb()
// Create Db if not exist
bool dbExist = await CheckDbAsync();
if (!dbExist)
await CreateDatabaseAsync();
public async Task<bool> CheckDbAsync()
bool dbExist = true;
StorageFile sf = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFileAsync(DB_NAME);
catch (Exception)
dbExist = false;
return dbExist;
private async Task CreateDatabaseAsync()
//add tables here
//example: await Conn.CreateTableAsync<DbComment>();
After the creation of the DatabaseHelper class u can start by making a datasource class for each table in your database. In my case i have a CommentDataSource.cs:
public class CommentDataSource
private DatabaseHelper db;
public CommentDataSource(DatabaseHelper databaseHelper)
this.db = databaseHelper;
public async Task<long> AddComment(String vat, String comment)
long id = 0;
DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
DbComment dbc = new DbComment(vat, comment, date);
await db.Conn.InsertAsync(dbc);
DbComment insertDbc = await db.Conn.Table<DbComment>().ElementAtAsync(await db.Conn.Table<DbComment>().CountAsync() - 1);
if (insertDbc != null)
id = insertDbc.Id;
return id;
public async void RemoveComment(long idComment)
DbComment comment = await db.Conn.Table<DbComment>().Where(c => c.Id == idComment).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
if (comment != null)
await db.Conn.DeleteAsync(comment);
public async Task<List<DbComment>> FetchAllComments(String vat)
return await db.Conn.Table<DbComment>().Where(x => x.VAT == vat).ToListAsync();
As you can see all the datasources that u will add will make use of the same databasehelper.
You still need to add a reference to your sqlite lib otherwise you will get errors.
Now you can start using your datasource classes, like u can see here:
private DatabaseHelper db = new DatabaseHelper();
private CommentDataSource commentDataSource;
public MainPage()
commentDataSource = new CommentDataSource(db);
Now is every method of the CommentsDataSource available in your app.
Hope this help u a bit!