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Server-side app unable to locate dart.js

I'm trying make an application with both client and server-side code. The server code is in a directory called 'bin', the html- with corresponding css- and dart-files are in a directory called 'web'. The latter are returned correctly (with the help of VirtualDirectory), but when it comes to files in 'packages' they are not found. E.g. /packages/browser/dart.js

I have tried on a windows-, and (ubuntu) linux-machine. I've tried starting from the editor both in checked-, and unchecked-mode. I've run pub build with root permission, and also started the app from command line with 'sudo'. I can see the browser-directory in '.pub-cache', but I cant open it.

What am I missing here?


  • bin/server.dart:

    import 'dart:io';
    import 'package:http_server/http_server.dart';
    main() {
      HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.ANY_IP_V4, 80).then((server) {
        new VirtualDirectory('../web')
            ..jailRoot = false

    Now you can access dart.js with


    The trick is to set jailRoot = false to allow the server to serve file from outside the root directory.