I am experiencing a problem with a composite component. I'm not quite sure if it's a bug in one of the used libraries or just my own ignorance of the matter. If I put the component bar.xhtml files in
everything is working as intended. But if I put them in
they are just not displayed, and I get the message:
The page /login.xhtml declares namespace http://java.sun.com/jsf/composite/subfolder/foo and uses the tag foo:bar , but no TagLibrary associated to namespace.
I suspect it has something to do with the unmapped resource handler from Omnifaces, and is maybe just a parameter I'm not able to figure out. Maybe someone can give me a hint here?
I'm using (amongst others):
Edit 2 Moved the answer to a reply
Ok - after sleeping one night over it, I found out that this had nothing to with Omnifaces, but with a change in MyFaces since 2.1.6. Since then, you have to put the following in your web.xml:
(found here )