I have this code to select a random entry from a LINQ query
Random rand = new Random();
int TotalFound = Query.Count();
if (TotalFound > 0) {
int toSkip = rand.Next(0, TotalFound);
Video Result = Query.Skip(toSkip).Take(1).First();
return Result;
} else
return null;
Now, I want to add a column within Query called "Preference", which is a number between 0 and 10. A row with a Preference value of 8 would be twice as likely to be selected as a row with Preference value of 4. A value of 9.8 would be even more likely to be selected.
What would be an effective way of implementing this algorithm?
As a second step, I could add a parameter that allows 8 to be worth 3x or 4x a row set to 4, to fine-tune the results with an exponential curve instead of a linear curve.
I'm really not sure about how to go to implement this efficiently.
Here's the solution I implemented
public static int? SelectRandomId(IQueryable<Media> query, out int totalFound) {
int? Result = null;
// Pull list of ID and Preference from database.
var IdList = query.Select(v => new { ID = v.MediaId, Preference = v.Preference }).ToList();
totalFound = IdList.Count();
// Calculate preferences average and total.
int PreferenceCount = IdList.Where(v => v.Preference.HasValue).Count();
int NoPreferenceCount = IdList.Count() - PreferenceCount;
int PreferenceSum = IdList.Where(v => v.Preference.HasValue).Sum(v => PreferenceToInt(v.Preference.Value));
// Use value 10 for every item if it is not specified for any.
int PreferenceAvg = (PreferenceCount > 0 ? PreferenceSum / PreferenceCount : 10);
// Videos with no preference get the average value.
int PreferenceTotal = PreferenceSum + NoPreferenceCount * PreferenceAvg;
// Get a random number between zero and the sum of all the preferences
Random rand = new Random();
int number = rand.Next(0, PreferenceTotal);
int rollingSumOfPreferences = 0;
// Set default value in case a value doesn't get assigned by the loop.
if (totalFound > 0)
Result = IdList[0].ID;
// Select an index from the video list, but weighted by preference
foreach (var item in IdList) {
// Add the current item's preference to the rolling sum
if (item.Preference.HasValue)
rollingSumOfPreferences += PreferenceToInt(item.Preference.Value);
rollingSumOfPreferences += PreferenceAvg;
// If we've hit or passed the random number, select this item
if (rollingSumOfPreferences >= number) {
Result = item.ID;
return Result;
private static int PreferenceToInt(float preference) {
return (int)(Math.Pow(preference, 1.2) * 100);
I think it might work if you take a random between 0
and [the sum of all preferences]
. Then you can loop through all items and store the rolling sum of item preferences in another variable. Once you hit the item where the rolling sum is equal to or greater than the random number, select that item. This should prefer the larger preferences in descending order. At least in my tests it worked!
Hopefully this code can explain it better:
private class Video
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Preference { get; set; }
public static void GenericTester()
// Initialize array with item name and preference
var videos = new List<Video>
new Video {Name = "ten", Preference = 10},
new Video {Name = "nine", Preference = 9},
new Video {Name = "eight", Preference = 8},
new Video {Name = "seven", Preference = 7},
new Video {Name = "six", Preference = 6},
new Video {Name = "five", Preference = 5},
new Video {Name = "four", Preference = 4},
new Video {Name = "three", Preference = 3},
new Video {Name = "two", Preference = 2},
new Video {Name = "one", Preference = 1},
new Video {Name = "zero", Preference = 0}
// Dictionary to store results of how many times each
// preference was selected (for testing purposes)
var results = new Dictionary<int, int>();
for (int i = 0; i <= videos.Max(v => v.Preference); i++)
results[i] = 0; // Init all items to zero
// Init random number generator
var rand = new Random();
for (int n = 1; n < 100000; n++)
// Get a random number between zero and the sum of all the preferences
var number = rand.Next(0, videos.Sum(v => v.Preference));
// Initialize index to the highest preference
var index = videos.Max(v2 => v2.Preference);
var rollingSumOfPreferences = 0;
// Select an index from the video list, but weighted by preference
foreach(var video in videos)
// Add the current item's preference to the rolling sum
rollingSumOfPreferences += video.Preference;
// If we've hit or passed the random number, select this item
if (rollingSumOfPreferences >= number)
index = video.Preference;
// Increment the count for the selected preference
foreach (var result in results)
Console.WriteLine("The preference value '{0}' was selected '{1}' times.", result.Key, result.Value);