I'm using jqgrid with datatype as json and value retrieving from another url,
colModel: [
{ name: "Details", width: 200,classes: 'pointer wrap',sortable: false,
formatter: function myFormatter(cellvalue, options, rowObject){
name= rowObject.properties.shortName;
fullDetails= '<strong> '+name+ '</strong> </br>[<a id="pointer" title="Click to search" href= http://google.com/search?search='+number+' target='+number+'>'+number+'</a>]';
return fullDetails;
{ name:"name",jsonmap: "properties.shortName", width: 200,classes: 'pointer wrap',hidden:true},
{name:"number", jsonmap: "properties.number", width: 50 ,sortable: true,hidden:true},
{ name:"date",jsonmap: "properties.date", width: 80,hidden :false}
pager: "#pager",
//rowNum: 20,
rowNum: 100,
rowList: [10, 20, 30],
sortname: "matter",
sortorder: 'asc',
viewrecords: true,
gridview: true,
loadonce : true,
autoencode: true,
hidegrid: false,
caption: "Details",
jsonReader : {
repeatitems: false,
root: "properties"
Loading works fine But after clicking the column header to sort it
TypeError: rowObject.properties is undefined number=rowObject.properties.number; is shown What could have possibly gone wrong ? What could be the fix ? Below given is the sample data
{"date":1409327760,"name":"agent M","number":"4117859","shortName":"AM"},"children":null,"valId":"225","objectType":"VAL"},
{"date":14093278860,"name":"agent x","number":"97893783","shortName":"AX"},"children":null,"valId":"191","objectType":"VAL"}
You should don't use column names like name: "properties.number"
and so on. You should look at the value of name
property like on the value which will be used as the name of variable (or the name of the property) and the part of the value of id
The line jQuery("#list").jqGrid('setGridParam',{datatype:'local'});
inside of loadComplete
is typically an error. If you load the data from the server and uses datatype: "json"
then you should use loadonce: true
You don't posted datatype
which you used and don't posted an example (2 rows of input data would be enough) of input data. The value repeatitems: true
of jsonReader
seems suspected. Nevertheless I could suppose that you can use jsonmap
attribute for reading of original data (returned from the server):
{ name: "number", jsonmap: "properties.number", width: 50, hidden: true}
See the demo.