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How can I get variable names instead of numeric OIDs in the output of php's SNMP::walk()?

I am working on a project that involves SNMP, MIBS and OIDS.

ADDENDUM: I want to have the OIDs translated into names, rather than numeric format. I only have remote access to server.

I get 2 different OID formats when I use LINUX terminal and PHP functions

This is what I do:

  1. In LINUX terminal I type:

    snmpwalk -v 1 -c public ip | less

the output is similar to this (short version) enter image description here

  1. Using php

    $session = new SNMP(SNMP::VERSION_1, ipaddress, "public");
    $session->oid_output_format = SNMP_OID_OUTPUT_FULL;
    $result = $session->walk("");

the output is below enter image description here

The issue: How can i get the same format in php similar to linux terminal format?

MAYBE: Is there a command that we can run from LINUX terminal that will change the format php's snmpwalk() returns OIDs ???


  • Php has to know about the MIB it is walking, otherwise it can't translate OIDs to variable names. The names and types, etc, are defined in a MIB file.

    I don't have access to a php instance to test right now, but according to the documentation this example should work if you have the MIB file:

    print_r(snmprealwalk('localhost', 'public', 'FOO-BAR-MIB::someTable');

    which should ouput something similar to

    [FOO-BAR-MIB::someTable.0] => Gauge32: 6

    If you don't have the MIB file, you're out of luck. Try getting it from the equipment vendor, or just do a web search for the OID.

    Edit: To clarify: There is no way to translate a numeric OID into a variable name without having the MIB file which defines that OID. If you don't have the MIB files on the local machine, you have to find a way to get them there. See also this question.