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Get last nodes of DOM mutation

I'm listening to DOM changes with DOM mutation observer like this:

var container = document.querySelectorAll("body")[0];

  var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
    mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
      var target =;
      switch (mutation.type) {

        case "childList":
, function(node) {
            var lastname = node.outerHTML;
            if(typeof lastname !== "undefined")

             //this is logging nodes as array

             var textarea = document.querySelectorAll("textarea")[0];
             textarea.value =  node.outerHTML;
             //this only gives me the very last node


  observer.observe(container, {
    childList : true,
    attributes : true,
    characterData : true,
    subtree : true,
    attributeOldValue : true,
    characterDataOldValue : true

When I view the log I see an array holding all the nodes but when I try to put the nodes in a textarea only the very last one gets printed. I can change variable in target but that gives me all the HTML of the target while I only need the HTML of the last mutation. How do I get the nodes of the last mutation into the textarea ?


  • You're overwriting the value on each iteration, not adding to it. Use a variable that you add the outerHTML to, and then set the textarea value once the iteration has completed.

    var val = '';, function(node) {
        var lastname = node.outerHTML;
        if(typeof lastname !== "undefined") {
             val += lastname;
    document.querySelector("textarea").value = val;