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eclipse svn client doubles the file path

i hit a strange error today with my eclipse subversion client. i want to update a file but instead i got a message:

*** Update
svn update "/home/ulkas/Develop/Beautyportal/app/views/partials" -r HEAD --depth infinity
    U /home/ulkas/Develop/Beautyportal/app/views/partials/footer.blade.php
svn: File not found: revision 34, path '/app/views/partials/app/views/partials/main-nav.blade.php'
*** Error (took 00:01.153)

watch the path /app/views/partials/app/views/partials/main-nav.blade.php - its being doubled, it shall be instead just /app/views/partials/main-nav.blade.php.

when i do a fresh checkout, it works, but in my original project this shows up. my configs:

linux mint 13 64bit.
eclipse 3.7.2
Subversive SVN Connectors   2.2.2.I20110124-1700
Subversive SVN Team Provider (Incubation)   0.7.9.I20110207-1700
SVNKit 1.3.5 Implementation (Optional)  2.2.2.I20110124-1700


  • SVNKit 1.3.5 Implementation (Optional) 2.2.2.I 20110124-1700

    Your components, e.g. SVNKit are too outdated. I suggest upgrading SVNKit, Subversive at al and see whether it helps.