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Flex Builder Debugger doesn't display local variables

I am using the Flex Builder 3 debugger almost every day and it's starting to be a real pain that the 'Variables' tab in the 'Flex Debugging' view doesn't show local variables, only 'this' is displayed.

Also I can not add Watch Expressions for local variables.

Am I forgetting something here or is the debugger just very limited?



  • I have the same problem that motto described. Local variables are not displayed when debugging, "hover" method doesn't work either. You can always use trace() or Loging API. The problem occurred to me yesterday and the only thing I noticed is that the project stopped to compile using ant script due to OutOfMemoryError (I usually build project using FB, but sometimes FlexBuilder doesn't show errors/warnings and compiling via ant script is the only way I know to find them).