As per my knowledge, in the EJB 2.x, the client uses the home interface to ask for a reference to the component interface and calls Enterprise java bean’s business method using that reference. But the concept of stub and skeleton are not clear to me.
Is the reference to the component interface acts as a stub? Then which one act as a skeleton?
Please clarify.
Stub and skeleton are actually RMI concepts, EJB is just reusing them. As such, they are only needed when you are using remote interfaces.
See also: Java RMI : What is the role of the stub-skeleton that are generated by the rmic compiler
Nowadays, stubs and skeletons are typically generated at runtime (or the same function is just handled via reflection), so you do not need to worry about them (see also Do I need RMI stubs to access EJBs from my java client? - this is specific to Glassfish, but the general principles usually apply also to other containers).