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How to create paraview slice

I want to make Paraview slice in normal z direction (0,0,1) in python shell.

paraview.simple.Slice(*input, **params)

what should be input in paraview.simple.Slice to get a slice at particular location


  • Here's an example script:

    from paraview import simple as pvs
    dataProducer = pvs.Wavelet()
    slicer = pvs.Slice(Input=dataProducer, SliceType="Plane")
    slicer.SliceType.Origin = [0, 0, 0]
    slicer.SliceType.Normal = [0, 0, 1]
    # To render the result, do this:

    You can also you Tools | Start Trace to generate Python trace for actions you perform in the UI.