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Update java keystore alias with new code-signing certificate

I've tried searching for this and all the documentation seems to be from the perspective of creating a new keystore and/or a new alias. However, I have the keystore with the alias I want as a PrivateKeyEntry and the soon-to-expire Globalsign code-signing certificate installed to it.

Now, I want to know the proper procedure for updating the certificate with a new one under the same alias/PrivateKeyEntry?

TIA for your help.

Regards, B.K.


  • I think I got it!

    The answer is:

  • Make a backup of the keystore file.

    ~ $ cp -a ~/.keystore.jks ~/baks/20140917.keystore.jks 

  • Create a new Certificate-Signing Request file from the existing alias.

    ~ $ keytool -certreq -v -alias myApp2 -file 20140917_myApp2_certreq.csr -keystore ~/.keystore.jks

  • Go to Globalsign (or whoever your CA is), log into your account, place the order for your Code Signing Certificate Renewal.
  • Either upload the CSR file you created above, or open the file and copy the contents, including the "-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" and "-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" lines, and paste it into the textbox field for the CSR.
  • When you get the response email, follow the link to the page for downloading your new certificate and download the new certificate to your system.
  • Check that the root and intermediate CA certificates are still the same. If they are different/updated, add the new ones to your keystore and/or to your "cacerts" keystore.

    ~ $ keytool -importcert -v -alias gssha2root_r3 -keystore ./cacerts -file ./dls/GlobalSign/20140916_GlobalsignSHA256root_cert.cer

  • Install the new code-signing certificate to the same alias.

    ~ $ keytool -importcert -v -trustcacerts -alias myApp2 -keystore ~/.keystore.jks -file ./dls/Globalsign/OS201400000001.cer

  • Seems to work as expected. I am now signing my java applets with the new cert. And, the jars are verifying with the new certificate.
