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maven: what to do if javadoc missing?

I run

mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc

and report say that

[INFO] The following files have NOT been resolved:

I know that Maven repositories hosted by volunteer organisations like Maven Central and hosted open source project done by volunteers.

But missing javadoc make me angry as using packages without javadoc is hard (leaving IDE to do web search and read outdated docs).

I report missing javadoc for Hibernate in Central one time (in Hibernate BTS). Without success. For another projects I have no strong intention to find home page and BTS/mail list to report missing javadocs.

What the best way to improve situation?


  • Use this command in your project folder:

    mvn dependency:sources

    It will download all your dependencies' sources in your maven local repository as a jar archive (jar per dependency).

    I use Netbeans 8 and Maven 3, and the IDE automatically recognizes the javadoc.

    I'm using right now Hibernate 4.2.3 and the javadoc pops up whitout problem.