I would like to use Knockout.js with Bootstrap Tour. In particular, I would like to attach some data bound click handler to a button within a tour step.
I create a simple tour like this:
var tour = new new Tour({
steps: [
orphan: true,
title: "Help Title",
content: "<button data-bind='click: someBoundFunction'>Click me!</button>"
Is it possible to use this kind of binding? Or won't this binding work because of the markup code creation mechanism of bootstraptour? I tried it like this but clicking on the button does not execute the function neither is any error message shown.
Knockout doesn't update bindings automatically for newly added elements. There is a workaround though, see this question (and related). Below is a possible solution based on this workaround.
So you have a main view model, which starts your tour:
function ViewModel(){
var self = this;
this.tour = new Tour({
steps: [
orphan: true,
title: "Help Title",
content: '<button id="newButton" data-bind="click: showMessage">showMessage</button>',
onShown: function(tour) {
// apply the bindings after content is added
ko.applyBindings(self, document.getElementById("newButton"));
this.startTour = function() {
this.showMessage = function() {