I'm using degre-d3 and I'm having problems getting the node data for the clicked node. I have a event when clicked but the d3.select(this) doesn't seem to get me relevant data (I would like to have the node name, label and additional object data if possible.
app.controller "DashboardElementShowController", ($scope, DashboardElementIndexService) ->
init_app = ->
# Create a new directed graph
g = new dagreD3.Digraph()
g.addNode "bpitt",
label: "html Brad Pitt <b>test</b>"
g.addNode "hford",
label: "Harrison Ford"
g.addNode "lwilson",
label: "Luke Wilson"
g.addNode "kbacon",
label: "Kevin Bacon"
g.addEdge null, "bpitt", "kbacon",
g.addEdge null, "hford", "lwilson",
g.addEdge null, "lwilson", "kbacon",
renderer = new dagreD3.Renderer().edgeInterpolate("cardinal")
renderer.run g, d3.select("svg g")
d3.select("svg g").on("click", (d, i, k) ->
console.log d3.select(this) # doesn't seem to have relevant info I need
Edit: 10.09.2014: Here it says I have to override renderer.drawNodes method: https://github.com/cpettitt/dagre-d3/issues/67
This is the code specified:
@renderer.drawNodes @_drawNodes().bind @
_drawNodes: ->
oldDrawNodes = @renderer.drawNodes()
(graph, svg) ->
# catch drawed nodes
svgNodes = oldDrawNodes graph, svg
svgNodes.on 'click', (nodeId) -> console.log 'node clicked', nodeId
I'm not sure how and where I should override with this code ...
This example from their Wiki might help http://cpettitt.github.io/project/dagre-d3/latest/demo/hover.html