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VHDL Configuration cannot find component

The code below is not working correctly. I keep getting the following errors:

** Error: HA_Config.vhd(38): Component instance "HA_Inst : HA_Comp" not found. ** Error: HA_Config.vhd(40): VHDL Compiler exiting

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity HA_Entity is
  port (
    i_bit1  : in std_logic;
    i_bit2  : in std_logic;
    o_sum   : out std_logic;
    o_carry : out std_logic
end HA_Entity;

architecture HA_Arch of HA_Entity is

  component HA_Comp is
    port (
      i_bit1  : in  std_logic;
      i_bit2  : in  std_logic;
      o_sum   : out std_logic;
      o_carry : out std_logic
  end component HA_Comp;


  o_sum   <= i_bit1 xor i_bit2;
  o_carry <= i_bit1 and i_bit2;

end HA_Arch;

configuration HA_Config of HA_Entity is
  for HA_Arch  
    for HA_Inst : HA_Comp
      use entity HA_Entity(HA_Arch);
    end for;
  end for;
end HA_Config;


  • A configuration binds a component instance to a specific entity and architecture. The binding part in the configuration is:

    for HA_Inst : HA_Comp
      use entity HA_Entity(HA_Arch);
    end for;

    But there is no component instance named HA_Inst of the component HA_Comp, just a declared component HA_Comp in the architecture part of HA_Arch, thus the error:

    Component instance "HA_Inst : HA_Comp" not found.

    The HA_Comp is actually not used anywhere, so it could be removed. Also, it looks like a circular reference since HA_Entity is specified for use inside itself with configuration ... HA_Entity ... use entity HA_Entity ....

    If the intention is to allow different implementations of HA_Arch, then it can look like:

    library ieee;
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
    entity HA_Entity is
      port (
        i_bit1  : in std_logic;
        i_bit2  : in std_logic;
        o_sum   : out std_logic;
        o_carry : out std_logic
    end HA_Entity;
    architecture HA_Arch of HA_Entity is
      component HA_Comp is
        port (
          i_bit1  : in  std_logic;
          i_bit2  : in  std_logic;
          o_sum   : out std_logic;
          o_carry : out std_logic
      end component HA_Comp;
      HA_Inst : component HA_Comp
        port map(
          i_bit1 => i_bit1,
          i_bit2 => i_bit2,
          o_sum  => o_sum,
          o_carry => o_carry);
    end HA_Arch;
    library ieee;
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
    entity HA_Comp_Entity is
      port (
        i_bit1  : in std_logic;
        i_bit2  : in std_logic;
        o_sum   : out std_logic;
        o_carry : out std_logic
    end HA_Comp_Entity;
    architecture HA_Comp_Arch_1 of HA_Comp_Entity is
      o_sum   <= i_bit1 xor i_bit2;
      o_carry <= i_bit1 and i_bit2;
    end HA_Comp_Arch_1;
    use work.all;
    configuration HA_Config of HA_Entity is
      for HA_Arch
        for HA_Inst : HA_Comp
          use entity HA_Comp_Entity(HA_Comp_Arch_1);
        end for;
      end for;
    end HA_Config;