How do I save the state of the added widget: Below is the function I'm using to add a widget on click of button:
$('.js-resize-random').on('click', function() {
gridster.add_widget('<li class="new">The new widget...</li>', 2, 1);
Here is the html:
<button class="js-resize-random">Add widget</button></div>
On refresh I need the added widget to retain its state. How do i do that? Any ideas?????
Thanks in advance!
I made a directive recently for saving and loading the position of a widget of a dashboard. It's a simple attribute of the div of the widget.
appControl.directive('saveLoadGridsterPosition', ['whateverStoringDependency', function($whateverStoringDependency)
return function(scope, element, attrs) {
var objectLoaded = whateverStoringDependency.load(attrs.saveLoadGridsterPosition);
// Empty or errorous load
if ((objectLoaded == undefined ) || (objectLoaded == null )) {
console.log('Error loading ' + attrs.saveLoadGridsterPosition+'\'s position.');
else {
// Here you set the row/col somewhere in the scope, for me its like scope.widget.row
scope.widget.row = objectLoaded.row;
scope.widget.col = objectLoaded.col;
var save = function() {
// Here you should get the row/col from the scope
var r = scope.widget.row;
var c = scope.widget.col;
var savingObject = {row: r, col: c};, savingObject);
scope.$on('$destroy', save);
can be a custom service that saves/loads stuff from local storage, cookies, or session. And then I use it like this:
<div gridster="gridsterOpts">
<li ng-repeat="widget in widgets" gridster-item row="widget.row" col="widget.col" size-x="widget.sizeX" size-y="widget.sizeY">
<div data-widget="widget" save-load-gridster-position="{{}}"></div>
Maybe it's not nice, but for me it works perfectly. It also can do it on any angular event, like you define "savePositions"
and listen for that instead of "$destroy"
. Hope it helps!