I have written a javascript program which plots the Mandelbrot set with the normal pretty colours approaching the boundary. I was planning on adding a zoom function next but it is far far too slow for this to be sensible.
I have posted the most important portion of the code here:
while (x * x < 2 && y * y < 2 && iteration < max_iteration) {
xtemp = (x * x) - (y * y) + xcord;
y = (2 * x * y) + ycord;
x = xtemp;
iteration = iteration + 1;
and have linked to a jsfiddle with the whole page here: http://jsfiddle.net/728dn2m0/
I have a few global variables which I could take into the main loop but that would result in additional calculations for every single pixel. I read on another SO question that an alternative to the 1x1 rectangle was to use image data but the performance difference was disputed. Another possibility would be rewriting the while statement as some other conditional loop but I'm not convinced that would give me the gains I'm looking for.
I'd consider myself a newbie so I'm happy to hear comments on any aspect of the code but what I'm really after is something which will massively increase performance. I suspect I'm being unreasonable in my expectations of what javascript in the browser can manage but I hope that I'm missing something significant and there are big gains to be found.
Thanks in advance, Andrew
Using setInterval as an external loop construct slows the calculation down. You set it to 5 ms for a single pixel, however the entire Mandelbrot map calculation can be done within 1 second. So a single call to your function draws a pixel very quickly and then waits about the 99.99% of that 5 milliseconds.
I replaced
if (m<=(width+1))
while (m<=(width+1))
and removed the setInterval.
This way the entire calculation is done in one step, without refresh to the screen and without using setInterval as an external loop construct. I forked your script and modified it: http://jsfiddle.net/karatedog/2o4gjrv2/6/
In the script I modified the bailout condition from (x*x < 2 && y*y < 2)
to (x < 2 && y < 2)
just as I suggested in a previous comment and revealed some hidden pixel, check the difference!