I am writing a unit test for a Bean that has some properties autowired in using spring.
Here is the bean:
public class Goober {
private ObjectX prop1;
private ObjectY prop2;
//... rest of object
In my unit test, I'd like to Mock prop1 using jmockit, but have prop2 injected by spring. Here is what my test looks like:
@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/applicationContext-test.xml" })
public class GooberUT extends TestCase{
@Tested @Autowired
Goober goober;
public void gooberTest (@Injectable prop1) {
// .. test and whatnot here
// .. setup/teardown etc
The problem here is that prop1 will be autowired by spring. If I remove the @Autowired annotation from the test, then prop1 will be mocked, but prop2 will be null.
How do I inject one property in Goober with jMockit, and Autowire the other?
You can let Spring inject prop1 and then override the prop1 value with ReflectionTestUtils' setProperty method and inject whatever you like programmatically.