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Firefox extension include script in main.js file

I am writing an extension for firefox and having a problem including scripts into the main.js (background) file ...

In my case I would like to include for example jquery.js and config.js but I can't see how to do it properly.

In my chrome extension I just do that on the manifest file but I would like the equivalent in firefox.

Thank you for your help, jdmry


  • To import files you use Components.utils.import.

    You will need a URL from which to import the file. Usually, this is either a resource:// or chrome:// URL.

    Some examples of Mozilla supplied libraries:

    Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm"); //File Utilities
    Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm");   //Network utilities
    Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");  //Services

    Some examples of loading from your own extension:

    Components.utils.import("chrome://myExtensionModule/content/common.jsm");          //Common
    Components.utils.import("chrome://myExtensionModule/content/classes.jsm");         //Classes

    In order to load from your own extension, you will need to have the files in a folder that has been mapped to a chrome:// or resource:// URL within your chrome.manifest. For example with the line:

    content       myExtensionModule                             modules/

    This does not need to be separate from the folder which you normally map for content, but it is common to keep JavaScript modules in a separate folder, just for organization. You do not need to have them use a .jsm extension, again just a convention. Using .js is just fine and may be desirable if you have other tools which auto-config based on a .js extension (e.g. an editor).

    Significantly more information can be found in the documentation on MDN:

    Note that in Firefox code it is common for there to be a mapping to shorter variables to access some commonly used Firefox properties. Specifically, the following are often used:

    const Cc = Components.classes;
    const Ci = Components.interfaces;
    const Cu = Components.utils;

    Usually these are defined in a much more abbreviated manner. They are explicitly stated above to make the mapping more clear.