I've already found a few threads to the topic of std::enable_if
, but unfortunately I am not able to apply the examples to my code.
template<class From, class To, class Value>
struct convert
static Value apply(Value value)
return value;
I want this to be active only when From
and To
are the same, so I tried to use
But that doesn't work. How would I do this?
I also have these two specializations, to give you a better picture of my problem:
template<class From, class Value>
struct convert<From, kilometer, Value>
static Value apply(Value value)
template<class To, class Value>
struct convertImpl <kilometer, To, Value>
static Value apply(Value value)
This is where my abguity problems come from. Right now I'm static_asserting the case that From
and To
are the same thus making the code to compile. But I would like to just return the value when those two are of the same type.
template<class From, class To, class Value>
struct convert
template <typename F = From, typename T = To>
static auto apply(Value value) -> typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<F,T>::value, Value>::type
static_assert(std::is_same<F, From>::value && std::is_same<T, To>::value, "");
// no conversion
return value;
template <typename F = From, typename T = To>
static auto apply(Value value) -> typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<F,T>::value, Value>::type
static_assert(std::is_same<F, From>::value && std::is_same<T, To>::value, "");
// do conversion
return value;
Alternatively this can be implemented using a tag-based dispatching:
template<class From, class To, class Value>
struct convert
static Value apply(Value value)
using tag = std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_same<From, To>::value>;
return _apply(value, tag{});
static Value _apply(Value value, std::true_type)
// no conversion
return value;
static Value _apply(Value value, std::false_type)
// do conversion
return value;