I face interesting problem with implicit parameters and tratis.
I have an abstract class Parent
accepting one integer and 2 other params implicitely:
abstract class Parent(a: Int)(implicit str: String, map: Map[String,String]) {/*...*/}
and a trait ClassTrait
that will be mixed with Parent
and uses the implicits:
trait ClassTrait {
val str: String
val map: Map[String,String]
def doSth() = str.length
so now I want to make sth like this (withnout keyword abstract
class Child(a: Int)(implicit str: String, map: Map[String,String]) extends Parent(a) with ClassTrait {
def doSth2 = doSth * 10
What syntax should I use to map the implicit params to trait vals? Compiler returns this error:
foo.scala:10: error: class Child needs to be abstract, since:
value map in trait ClassTrait of type Map[String,String] is not defined
value str in trait ClassTrait of type String is not defined
class Child(a: Int)(implicit str: String, map: Map[String,String]) extends Parent(a) with ClassTrait {
one error found
In complex example, I use implicit parameters in the trait but since traits can't have any params (have no constructor), I need to declare used implicits again.
Thanks for help.
class Child(a: Int)(implicit val str: String, map: Map[String,String]) extends Parent(a) with ClassTrait {
def doSth2 = doSth * 10
(See the val
I added)
Or use case class
. Then they will be fields.
Alternative way could be to not make them implicit and use an apply method in a companion object that takes implicits to set them. But you still need to make them fields, your current code is technically just treating them as constructor args.