I am trying to implement auto-complete on an open-ended text question in Qualtrics using jQuery but I am not sure how to make it work.
At the moment, I tried using this jQuery example to add the javascript listed in the into the Qualtrics "Look & Feel --> Advanced"
$(function() {
var availableTags = [
$( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
source: availableTags
I also added the following js to the body of the question, but it still does not work.
jQuery(function() {
jQuery( "#QID15 .InputText" ).autocomplete({source: availableTags});
I am not very familiar with javascript and am struggling to figure out what goes where in Qualtrics. Any help or reference is would be greatly appreciated.
(In case you are wondering, I cannot simply implement this as a multiple choice type question in Qualtrics because there are hundreds of choices (i.e. list of departments in a school) and having an open-ended text field makes analyzing categories difficult.)
Have you included both jQuery.js as well as jQuery.ui.js via a script tag that appears prior to your above script declarations? Also, the first call to autocomplete has a selector selecting $('#tags') whereas the second selector is $('#QID15 .InputText'). Make sure you are using the correct selector.