Search code examples

Appying a custom pager to multiple tables in tabs

I have a series of dynamically generated tables, each one in it's own tab. The table sort and paging functions work fine on separate tables.

While it seems that I can add a custom pager to one table using:


It throws an undefined error if I try to use it in the $.each loop that iterates through the tables.

$('.results-panel').find("table").each(function (){
    var id = $(this).attr("id");
    var pagerID = $(this).attr("data-pagerID");
    //apply table sorter to each, then find the nearest .pager
    $("#"+id).tablesorter().tablesorterPager({container: $("#"+pagerID)});

If I only apply the custom pager to one table, it works.

The main issue for me is that you need to specify the table and pager IDs when you call the custom controls, yet calling it in a loop, where I can set the IDs, it fails.


  • There appears to be a bug in the custom pager controls script. It is now fixed within the working branch.

    Here is a demo:


    .left {
        float: left;
    .right {
        float: right;
        -webkit-user-select: none;
        -moz-user-select: none;
        -khtml-user-select: none;
        -ms-user-select: none;
    .pager .prev, .pager .next, .pagecount {
        cursor: pointer;
    .pager a {
        text-decoration: none;
        color: black;
    .pager a.current {
        color: #0080ff;


    $('#table1, #table2').each(function () {
        var $table = $(this),
            $pager = $table.find('.pager');
            // point at correct table (string or jQuery object)
            table: $table,
            // pager wrapper (string or jQuery object)
            pager: $pager,
            // container for page sizes
            pageSize: '.left a',
            // container for page selectors
            currentPage: '.right a',
            // number of pages to show of either end
            ends: 2,
            // number of pages surrounding the current page
            aroundCurrent: 1,
            // page element; use {page} to include the page number
            link: '<a href="#">{page}</a>',
            // current page class name
            currentClass: 'current',
            // spacer for page numbers next to each other
            adjacentSpacer: ' | ',
            // spacer for page numbers away from each other (ellipsis &hellip;)
            distanceSpacer: ' \u2026 ',
            // add left/right keyboard arrows to change current page
            addKeyboard: false
                theme: 'blue'
                container: $pager


    <table id="table1">
                <!-- ... -->
                <!-- ... -->
                <td colspan="7"> <!-- match # col -->
                    <div class="pager"> <span class="left">
                        # per page:
                        <a href="#" class="current">10</a> |
                        <a href="#">25</a> |
                        <a href="#">50</a> |
                        <a href="#">100</a>
                    <span class="right">
                        <span class="prev">
                            <img src="prev.png" /> Prev&nbsp;
                        <span class="pagecount"></span> &nbsp;
                        <span class="next">Next <img src="next.png" />
        <!-- ... -->
    <table id="table2">
                <!-- ... -->
                <!-- ... -->
                <td colspan="7"> <!-- match # col -->
                    <div class="pager"> <span class="left">
                        # per page:
                        <a href="#" class="current">10</a> |
                        <a href="#">25</a> |
                        <a href="#">50</a> |
                        <a href="#">100</a>
                    <span class="right">
                        <span class="prev">
                            <img src="prev.png" /> Prev&nbsp;
                        <span class="pagecount"></span> &nbsp;
                        <span class="next">Next <img src="next.png" />
        <!-- ... -->