I been trying to do a mutual authentication on Java, this is what I'm doing:
First I ask for the challenge and got the random number.
TRX --> 0084000008
REC <-- 4E621D238C8B185F 9000
Then I calculate everything, Key seed, enc, mac and send the mutual authorization command:
TRX --> 0082000028[seed enc mac ... bytes transformed]00
REC <-- 6A88
I always receive 0x6A88, and I found on internet that it means "Referenced data or reference data not found".
But the strange thing it's that my prois to implement code already working on C# to Java, we have test it along side, we get the same data with the keys, etc and I found that when I'm going to send the mutual auth (0x82) command I got the 0x6A88 error.
Here is some source code, I wanted to show that I have tried with and without beginExclusive() and endExclusive(), but didn't worked.
public CardTerminal getCardTerminal() throws Exception {
CardTerminal ct = null;
TerminalFactory terminalFactory = TerminalFactory.getDefault();
CardTerminals cardTerminals = terminalFactory.terminals();
// Searches for first card terminal available on the PC
if (cardTerminals.list().isEmpty() == false) {
ct = cardTerminals.list().get(0);
return ct;
public void test() throws Exception {
CardTerminal cardTerminal;
Card card;
MyManager instance;
cardTerminal = getCardTerminal();
instance = new DpiV2Manager();
card = cardTerminal.connect("T=1");
card = connect(cardTerminal);
CardChannel cardChannel = card.getBasicChannel();
// Inside this method I do the get challange, mutual auth, etc
Does anyone had the same problem with Java doing mutual authentication?
Did someone found a solution?
My issue was that I was trying to do mutual authentication on a wrong applet. I just selected the correct applet id before the get challenge APDU, and finally got it.