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Detect if a generic type is open?

I have a bunch of regular, closed and opened types in my assembly. I have a query that I'm trying to rule out the open types from it

class Foo { } // a regular type
class Bar<T, U> { } // an open type
class Moo : Bar<int, string> { } // a closed type

var types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().Where(t => ???);
types.Foreach(t => ConsoleWriteLine(t.Name)); // should *not* output "Bar`2"

Upon debugging the generic arguments of an open type, I found that their FullName is null (as well as other things like the DeclaringMethod) - So this could be one way:

    bool IsOpenType(Type type)
        if (!type.IsGenericType)
            return false;
        var args = type.GetGenericArguments();
        return args[0].FullName == null;

    Console.WriteLine(IsOpenType(typeof(Bar<,>)));            // true
    Console.WriteLine(IsOpenType(typeof(Bar<int, string>)));  // false

Is there a built-in way to know if a type is open? if not, is there a better way to do it? Thanks.


  • You could use IsGenericTypeDefinition:

    typeof(Bar<,>).IsGenericTypeDefinition // true
    typeof(Bar<int, string>).IsGenericTypeDefinition // false