How to select a radio button based on the text adjacent to it using Sikuli + Java ?
There are 3 radio buttons(with some text adjacent to them) present on the screen. Sikuli is always clicking on the second one. How can I click the other radio buttons?
The screen is as shown below. Treat that 'O' as a radio button and provide any solution for it. (I cant upload the screenshot hence I shown it as below)
Now how can I click on the 1st or the 3rd 'O'(Radio button)
to give u an exact solution, it would be helpful to know if you are using sikuli-java-api or sikuliX-api. In any case the logic behind both would be same, that is-
You can create a generic method for this process, passing the image of the text for which u need the radio button to be selected and the image of the radio button as parameters. Also, you can use highlight to identify the subRegions that you have created. It proves useful in understanding where you might've gone wrong.