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Using .bindings file with MDB in JBoss 5.1

I am writing a standard JEE 5 application and need to consume JMS messages from MQ server. Application server is JBOSS EAP 5.1. As this is a standard JEE application, an MDB would be good fit as message listener. MQ admin has provided a .bindings file as MQ configuration. After searching web, I am not able to find a way to use .bidings file with MDBs. I have already tried using standard activation spec. That works fine. But for that, JMS properties need to be in JBOSS or EE specific configuration files. Can someone please tell a way to use .bindings file with MDB?


  • A .bindings file comes from the File System JNDI Context. This is the file that is written when the FileSystemContext is used to store objects in JNDI. It shouldn't really be moved around.

    JBOSS will have it's own JNDI provider and that won't be able to read this file. What you need is the information from the MQ sys admin of the queuemanager that you need to connect to.. i.e. the information the entered into JNDI. Presumably using JMSAdmnin or MQExplorer. Things like hostname, port, channel, any security config etc. etc.

    Within JBOSS you'll need to deploy the MQ Resource Adapter (a) this downloadable via (b) config info can be found at