I am working on an app which uses active directory
to retrieve users. Sometimes I need to work on the app but AD is not available. I use a wrapper class to retrieve the AD user. I would like to inject a different class based on the configuration. I was thinking on using an appSetting that would tell me the current configutarion and decide what type to use when injecting. Is it possible to get the current configuration without using a Web.config transform? Is it possible to inject objects using Unity based on Web.config transformations? Can you recommend a better approach?
I have a user repository class that loads the users from AD. All I need is to be able to change the implementation of this repository class so that when AD is unavailable I can load the users a different way. This would only be used for development, production would always access AD and retrieve users.
You can use preprocessor directives:
// register fake repository
// register AD repository